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Friday, April 26, 2024

Zimbabwe Attracts Chinese Tourists

Zimbabwe Attracts Chinese Tourists

A historical group of over 343 Chinese business persons, leisure and media tourists are set to arrive in the country this Thursday, after touring Djibouti and Tanzania.

Addressing the media on the Touchroad delegation tour at the Rainbow Towers in Harare, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Honourable Prisca Mupfumira said the government is ready and committed to making the stay of the visitors memorable.

She said the government is happy that the cooperation with China Touchroad International Holdings Group has contributed to the growth of the tourism arrivals in Zimbabwe.

Minister Mupfumira said the country recorded 5 000 tourists arrivals per year, a figure which grew to 14 000 in 2017, with 2018 recording 19 428 arrivals.

She added that despite Zimbabwe and China being all-weather friends, the numbers in tourists’ arrivals were not pleasing hence the government’s thrust to develop tourism in China.

The grand group will tour the UNESCO heritage sites of Great Zimbabwe national monuments, and Victoria Falls to mention a few.

Minister Mupfumira said there will be a China-Zimbabwe Business Forum aimed at intensifying the business relations between the two countries adding that Zimbabwe will soon be opening a new tourism office in Shangai China.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa will host the visitors at state House.

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