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Friday, October 4, 2024

UNESCO Adds 42 New World Heritage Sites

UNESCO Just Named 42 New World Heritage Sites—Here’s the Full ListGaya Tumuli in the Republic of Korea consists of ancient burial mounds—and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Seo Heun Kang/World Heritage Nomination Office for the Gaya Tumuli

Recently updated on November 15th, 2023 at 10:37 pm

The World Heritage Committee has named 42 new sites to UNESCO’s World Heritage List . There are now 1,172 sites 42 of which were just named this week and last—that make up the list of global UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Among the newly inscribed group are an archaeological cemetery site in South Korea, a roadside inn in Iran, and a famed hop-growing region in Czechia. — including one in Israeli-occupied West Bank

The newly inscribed properties were announced during the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee being held from Sept. 10 to 25 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Of the 50 “candidate sites” being considered, these made the list:

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