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Saturday, July 27, 2024

One For The Bucket List: The Codfather Sandton

I had heard about them. Reviews varied according to where you were on the Eat-to-Live barometer

Codfather photography Interiors 24 June 2015 9475 Web

Recently updated on March 27th, 2024 at 02:44 am


As a self-proclaimed picky eater, I don’t let reviews sway my opinion. So, when I heard about The Codfather Sandton through the grapevine, I knew I had to try it for myself. Finding it was a bit of an adventure – nestled within a luxurious apartment suite, it truly is a hidden gem. Thankfully, my GPS did the trick!


The Codfather exudes a quiet confidence. Despite its unassuming exterior, the moment you step inside, you’re struck by its understated elegance. It rivals any Johannesburg foodie temple, with a vibe that’s both intimate and sophisticated. #FacePalm moment realizing it’s part of a luxurious apartment suite!

Menu & Service:

The wait-staff here are incredibly knowledgeable. They can recite the mains and their ingredients like clockwork. But the real star is the menu itself – a thoughtful curation of dishes catering to diverse palates. Whether you’re a lion-hearted carnivore or a stuck-up pescatarian, there’s something to tantalize your taste buds.


We opted to start simple – trying not to overindulge – with the prawn spring rolls (R75) and the mushroom tortellini (R75). The spring rolls were classic and well-executed, offering a satisfying crunch and familiar flavours. The tortellini, however, was a revelation. The parmesan and basil pesto, bursting with black pepper, elevated the earthy mushrooms to new heights. Each bite was a delightful explosion of contrasting textures and flavours – a true testament to the chef’s skill. It left me chasing the last smear about the plate, hopelessly. What makes it sing is the rush of strident flavours that can be hated by some, while being loved by others. The haters are obviously wrong, but that’s OK. More for the rest of us!

For my main course, I opted to delve deeper into the seafood realm with a platter of prawns (price not mentioned) served with peri peri sauce. While some might argue that seafood is best left unadorned, the sauce here was a revelation. It complemented the delicate prawns perfectly, showcasing both the quality of the ingredients and the kitchen’s masterful technique.

My companion, a true carnivore, revealed in a hefty slab of T-bone steak (price not mentioned). Cooked to perfection, with a seared crust and a juicy, tender interior, it was a carnivore’s dream. A side of greens offered a pretence of health consciousness, but let’s be honest, the star of the show was the meat itself.


I quenched my thirst with a glass of gin, not because it paired well with the meals ahead – but because I escaped the wine cart years ago and haven’t looked back. Sue me! My companion went full carnivore and ordered a selection from the wine list (not mentioned in detail).


The pièce de résistance was the parade of 14 home-made ice creams (price not mentioned). From Mango Cheesecake to Bubblegum, the variety was astounding. I even ventured into the unknown territory of licorice ice cream, pleasantly surprised to find it wasn’t overpoweringly sweet.


The Codfather Sandton is a hidden gem that delivers unforgettable plates of food.

  • Food: 4/5 – Explosive flavours and exceptional execution.
  • Service: 5/5 – Friendly and knowledgeable wait-staff.
  • Price Range: R500 per person.


Some restaurants come with high expectations. The Codfather Sandton, however, exceeded all expectations. It’s a place where you’ll discover unexpected flavour combinations and leave with memories that linger long after your last bite. I highly recommend adding this gem to your Johannesburg dining itinerary.

Miriro Matema
the authorMiriro Matema
Born in Zimbabwe and living in South Africa, Miriro is a seasoned publishing editor and writer, having worked with leading brands in investment, business leadership and entrepreneurship. Passionate about Africa’s development, Miriro is also a dynamic marketing consultant with 10 years experience working with startups and large multinational corporations. With a heart for travel, Miriro spends her time discovering the nooks of crannies of Africa’s hidden gems, taking the roads less travelled, meeting the beautiful people that call Africa home while exploring their food and culture. Miriro is currently a writer with Byolife Travel and Gallivant Africa